what is the use of shunt trip coil in mccb
Molded case circuit breakers are mainly used to protect power systems and equipment from overcurrent and short circuits, and can also be used for automatic reset and remote control.MCCB manufacturer tells you what the use of shunt trip coil in MCCB.
Shunt trip coils are used in Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) to trip the circuit breaker remotely. It is an electromechanical device that when energized generates a magnetic field that causes the tripping mechanism to release and open the contacts of the MCCB.
The MCCB shunt trip coil is usually connected to an external control circuit or switch. When a fault or abnormal condition (such as an overcurrent or short circuit) is detected in the electrical system, the control circuit sends a signal to energize the shunt trip coil, causing it to generate a magnetic field. This magnetic field then pulls on the tripping mechanism, releasing the circuit breaker contacts and interrupting the flow of electricity.
The MCCB can be remotely operated using a shunt trip coil to quickly disconnect the power supply in the event of an emergency or fault. MCCB manufacturers tell you that this feature is particularly useful in applications that require immediate shutdown, such as industrial facilities, commercial buildings, or critical power systems.
MCCB manufacturers are kindly reminded that although the shunt trip coil is an important component in the operation of the MCCB, its specific application and installation may vary depending on the manufacturer and model of the MCCB. MCCB manufacturers recommend that you refer to the product documentation and guidance provided by the manufacturer for accurate information on the use of shunt trip coils.